FAQs Web Services
What is a "Web Service"?
A Web Service is a service or facility that is either available or functions or runs or delivered over the Web (world wide web) / Internet / Cloud or Online. Hosting (used interchangeably with Web Hosting, Website Hosting), Email Inbox, Cloud Storage (used interchangeably with internet storage), Ecommerce, Online Shopping and Online Bookings are some of the examples of Web Services. Ahead Web Services provides all these services as Subscription. Cloud and Online can be used interchangeably Internet.
FAQs Subscriptions and Payments
What is the meaning of "Subscription" or "Monthly Plan"?
A Subscription (used interchangeably with monthly plan or plan) is the monthly or yearly payment of your web services. Website hosting, email inbox and cloud storage are all forms of web services. The amount will depend on the type of service you request and also the size of the service for ex. Starter, Business or Professional. Subscriptions have ongoing terms (monthly or yearly). Subscriptions are renewed near and before the end of the term to continue the web service. Subscription may become over-due and get cancelled over non payment. One Subscription is independent of other and does not share credentials so different payment details can be used.
Do all the plans come with unlimited usage?
All shared plans come with unlimited access. We do not monitor monthly website hits, visits or ftp access.
What is the difference between "Pay Monthly" and "Pay Yearly" Subscription
The Pay Yearly subscription is charged “once a year” for the 12 months and discounted version of a Pay Monthly subscription. The pay monthly subscription is charged month to month automatically before the end of each month when the payment is due. Pay yearly has a clear advantage over pay monthly subscription not only for discounts and offers but also the security of your plan. If for security reason your bank does not allow payment of your plan, the plan may not renew and your service may be impacted, leading to issues with your account. It is highly recommended to choose pay yearly subscription over pay monthly. We regularly send offers, discounts and coupons for pay yearly plans.
Do you provide free trial of your services?
We provide a 30-day trial starting $0.99 of our services.
Do you provide support?
We provide unlimited 24 hours support for all our services. If you are not sure about any of your service please contact us on the contact us page.
Do you provide unlimited support in setting up subscription plans and services?
You can contact us if you are new to web services and want initial support with setting up your website or emails. We provide unlimited free 24/7 email support.
Do you provide bank transfer payment?
Yes, bank transfer is available option of payment. We provide the following payment methods: Credit Card, Internet Transfer and Bank Transfer payment options.
FAQ Cancellations & Renewal
Can I cancel my subscription anytime?
If you have subscribed to a plan and would like to cancel your plan, you can do so at any time on your accounts page. Please note the unused part of your subscription is not refunded. If you cancel your plan before renewal the upcoming subscription will not be charged.
What happens if my subscription was not renewed by the bank?
Due to security policy, some banks may not allow regular renewal of your subscription or your account to be automatically charged. This can cause issues and affect your web service. To overcome the risk we highly recommend “Pay Yearly” plans for discount on monthly plans and a single yearly payment and taking the guess work and risk out of payments.
Are all subscriptions renewed automatically?
Yes, to prevent interruption and issues with your service and loss of data, all subscriptions are automatically renewed. Monthly plans are renewed 7 days before subscription date on a month to month basis. If you wish to not be charged, it is important to cancel your subscription.
What is your 30-day money back / cancellation policy?
We do not provide refund or money back on our plans. We have $0.99 first 30 days policy which allows you to try our services for 30 days for $0.99. Before the end of trial 30 days you can cancel the service and you won’t be charged.
When is a subscription due for renewal?
If you have subscribed to a monthly or yearly plan. The subscription is due for renewal 14 days before the subscription expiry date. After the subscription expires, the subscription becomes over-due for the next 30 days. If you still haven’t re-subscribed for 30 days after the renewal date, the plan is cancelled and you cannot access your data. You must subscribe to a new plan.
FAQ Websites and Installation
Is 2GB enough space to host a website?
Yes, the average WordPress (Drupal and Joomla) installation is less than 100MB (or 0.1gb). So there is plenty of cloud space to host and advertise your services.
What is Managed Hosting or Managed WordPress Hosting?
Managed hosting is a service which is fully configured and live, and ready to be customized to your needs. Our Managed WordPress Hosting comes with hosting service preinstalled and configured with WordPress. This saves time in setup, installing web server, database servers and other services required by a website to function. All you have to do is customize it according to your needs.
FAQ Email Hosting
What is your Email Hosting?
Like managed web hosting we provide managed email hosting for sending and receiving emails, for your domain name. All email hosting comes with generous 1GB account cloud limit to store emails and attachments. The email service can be used with your website to create emails accounts for your website, info@yourdomainname.com.au, manager@yourdomainname.com.au, staff@yourdomainname.com.au, like so. The email service is available with pay yearly plans.